Jeremy Clarkson Defends 'Top Gear' Producer Oisin Tymon: 'Me Being Sacked Is Not His Fault'

Clarkson Springs To Abused Producer's Defence

Sacked ‘Top Gear’ presenter Jeremy Clarkson has urged his fans to leave BBC producer Oisin Tymon alone.

On Wednesday afternoon, it was confirmed that Jeremy would not be returning to the BBC motoring show, after physically and verbally attacking Oisin, who has worked on the motoring show for almost a decade.

Since then, some of his more *ahem* passionate fans have taken it upon themselves to send the producer - who was the victim of what has been described as an “unprovoked” 30-second attack - a barrage of abuse online, which Jeremy has now condemned.

Jeremy Clarkson

Although he has so far kept schtum about being fired by the BBC, one thing Jeremy did have to say to reporters, who pursued him while he was out for a leisurely bike ride, was: “I wish people would leave Ois alone, because none of this is his fault.”

Earlier this week, reports suggested that Jeremy’s next foray into television probably won’t be on Sky, when a source claimed that the broadcasters are “not interested” in signing up the controversial TV personality.

Meanwhile, following reports that he could be about to face a police probe over the incident, it has now been announcing that Oisin will not be pressing charges against the presenter, with his lawyer confirming on Friday: "Quite simply, Mr Tymon just wishes to return now to the job at the BBC he loves, as soon as possible. Further, the BBC have, in his view, taken action with a view to addressing the issues at hand. Mr Tymon agrees with the BBC's stated view that all parties should now be allowed to move on, so far as possible."


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