Pop-Up Shop 'Less Than 100' Charges Women Less Than Men To Equal Out The Gender Pay Gap

Pop-Up Fights Gender Pay Gap By Charging Women Less Than Men

With the recent onslaught of pop-ups - including an owl bar and a crisp sandwich shop - we thought we'd seen all the world had to offer in terms of themed establishments.

But in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a pop-up has just opened that we can really get on board with.

At Elana Schlenker’s shop Less Than 100, women pay less than men in a bid to equal out the gender pay gap.

In other words, you can "pay what you're paid."

My view this weekend. #lessthan100shop ☀️☀️☀️

A photo posted by elanaschlenker (@elanaschlenker) on

American women working full time year-round currently make just 78 cents for every dollar their male counterparts make on average, but that gap varies by state. In Pennsylvania, women earn 76 cents on the dollar.

Here in the UK, the story isn't much different.

According to 2014 figures from the Office of National Statistics, women earn on average £2.53 less per hour than men – just 80p for every pound a man earns.

Schlenker's new shop aims to highlight such injustice, by charging women less than men per item.

While men are charged the full ticket price, women only pay 76% of the total.

"It's incredible how deeply unconscious biases still permeate the ways in which we perceive (and value) women versus men," Schlenker said in an interview with refinery29.

"I hope the shop's pricing helps to underscore this inherent unfairness and to create space for people to consider why the wage gap still exists."

The not-for-profit store sells ceramics, textiles, publications, art prints, stationery, and other goods created by women artists and makers from across the US.

Can we get one in the UK please?
