Loch Ness Monster: Find Nessie Yourself With Google Street View

You Can Now Search For The Loch Ness Monster With Google Street View

Nessie, as she is affectionately known, has remained a coy beast, lending herself an air of mystery and with time, legend.

The iconic Surgeon's Photograph of 'Nessie'

The internet giant is providing 360-degree Street View imagery of Loch Ness to Google Maps so you can go in search for the monster yourself.

Tuesday's Google Doodle is a lot of fun

“Let the Loch unlock the spirit of your imagination, where the rippling water, tricks of the light, and drifting logs bring the legend of Nessie to life.”

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Believed by many to be the last of a line of long-surviving plesiosaurs (a Jurassic marine reptile) legend has it that the creature appears along with earth tremors and swirling bubbles.

The Google team was assisted by Adrian Shine, leader of the Loch Ness & Morar Project, which boasts more than 1,000 Nessie sightings and launched the initiative to celebrate the anniversary of the infamous Surgeon’s Photograph, which was published in the Daily Mail on 21 April 1934.

Sadly the photo was later revealed to have been staged, but there has been no shortage of images since…


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