A torrent of tweets swept Ed Miliband to social media fame - thanks to the #milifandom movement - and now, not surprisingly, the unlikely heartthrob is now also a movie star.
Miliband was re-branded a hunk thanks to a gaggle of smitten girls after a 17-year-old known only as Abby declared herself the leader of #milifandom - a group of Miliband admirers, campaigning "against the distorted media portrayal of Ed".
Abby's twitter followers soon numbered well over 10,000. Untrendy Ed was trending online - his face was photoshopped on to Mad Men's suave Don Draper, Daniel Craig's Bond... even Superman - then printed on to a range of #milifandom t-shirts and hoodies. Miliband became so cool, he was even seen hanging out in hipster-central, Shoreditch, with Russell Brand.

Ed Miliband is showered in selfies by a group of girls Ed-over-heels with the Labour leader after emerging from a bus, in Milibae: The Movie
Then yesterday, Milibae: The Movie. At four minutes and 34 seconds in duration it is more of a clip, than a feature film, but it is long enough to chart the politicians sudden rise to stardom which took less than a week.
Set to a tune of Holding Out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler, the movie is, according to its own billing "a classic British underdog story" which charts "the rise of Ed Miliband and the #milifandom movement".
The clip begins with TV news reports about Miliband and how he "trended overnight" after a bunch of girls "created a fandom around him." By then Miliband was on his second hashtag - progressing from cool - #cooledmiliband - to all out political stud.
In a soundbite from Sky News, Buzzfeed reporter Hannah Jewell explains that Miliband was being projected as a cool guy which "started out as funny because it seems so untrue, but it has strangely become true as the irony slips away".

Miliband in the movie sashaying around No 10 Downing Street
As Tyler's tune hits its chorus, "we need a hero", we see Miliband emerge as, well, a hero of sorts. He appears from a bus to dozens of fans waiting to high five him, while a row of girls on a hen do turn their backs, raise their phones, and shower him in selfies. Next we see Miliband on the stage, receiving a standing ovation, before he appears as a slightly camp avatar version of himself sashaying around No 10.
Its not all good PR though. The movie does cover how he "stabbed" brother David in the back to claim the Labour party leadership. And we see him struggling with the complexities of chewing a bacon sandwich, though the scene is obscured by a tweet which says "unlike the media" we won't judge the future leader "based on how he eats a bacon sandwich".
Sandwiches aside, we then hear of Miliband's triumphs from The Spectator's Peter Oborne who lists off his achievements as the most accomplished leader "since the war".
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Sticking with the war theme, the movie then tells us about the media's character assassination attempts on Miliband, before it implores watchers to "fight the lies of the Tory press".
Finally, just how it all began, we see the tweets that made Miliband trendy.