Noel Gallagher Calls Prime Minister 'David Cameron A Bell-End, Ed Miliband A Communist' On HuffPost Live (VIDEO)

Noel Gallagher Calls David Cameron 'A Bell-End'

Noel Gallagher isn't averse to sharing his opinions when called upon, and Friday was no exception.

Asked by HuffPost Live'sAlyona Minkovski what he thought of our country's current most senior statesman, the Flying Birds frontman was concise and apparently unambivalent.

"A bell-end" was the exact phrase.

Watch Noel in interview above.

He also admitted that he, like his friend Russell Brand, won't be voting in next week's General Election, but for different reasons. He confessed that, "like a bozo, I missed my postal vote."

But he added that he couldn't get behind anybody in politics in England at the moment, calling "David Cameron a bell-end, Ed Miliband a communist, the rest of them don't really count. My trust in politicians is long since gone".

But he does believe in voting, and he gave his reasons.

David Cameron, who's had a rough week of it when it comes to batting off celebs' opinions - "I haven't got time to hang out with Russell Brand' echoing in the chambers of Westminster - might take some solace in the knowledge that Noel doesn't have too high an opinion of his leading rival, either.

Noel famously visited Tony Blair in Downing Street in July 1997, at the height of their respective powers. Noel was surfing the wave of Britpop in the UK with his Oasis bandmates, while his host Tony Blair was still riding the crest of popularity after his landslide win a couple of months before.

Judging by the look on Noel's face when asked about the state of UK politics, it wouldn't seem that we will be seeing a similar snap in the near future.


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