Prince Harry recently admitted he was feeling broody after meeting Princess Charlotte. But while he is a big fan of babies, it seems the feeling may not be mutual.
When Harry stopped to greet people in Whanganui on the latest leg of his tour of New Zealand, the clucky Prince was of course drawn to six-month-old Sammy Kedrewaca.
But as Harry leaned in it quickly became clear he had made a big mistake as Sammy's little face crumpled and he started to cry.
Oh Harry.

Sammy's mother Emeline, 30, from Fiji, told The Telegraph: "Harry said he was really cute then tried to shake his hand, but he got scared and started to cry.
"He just stepped back and said sorry, he was so lovely."
Harry recently admitted that seeing his brother and sister, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's increasing family had made me hanker after children of his own.
"Of course I would love to have kids right now but there's a process that one has to go through," he told Sky News.
He added:"There come times when you think now is the time to settle down, or now is not, whatever way it is but I don't think you can force these things, it will happen when it's going to happen."