Elephant Selfie Is A Better Holiday Snap Than Most People Could Take

This Elephant Is Better At Taking Pictures Than You

Perfect composition. Excellent lighting. Not even a hint of red-eye.

Let's get this Elfie on Ellen Degeneres! #ElfieOnEllen @theellenshow

A photo posted by Christian LeBlanc (@christian_leblanc) on

The rather epic selfie (inevitably dubbed an 'elfie') was taken earlier this year but has recently gone viral.

The subject of the pic is 22-year-old Christian LeBlanc who says it happened while he was traveling with his girlfriend in Thailand earlier this year.

He told CNN that the couple had “[come] across a couple elephants,” and had decided to buy some bananas to feed them.

He said: “The elephant quickly ate what little bananas I had and become touchy, trying to find more food. "Next thing I knew it grabbed my GoPro by the mount.”

The camera had been set to continuous shooting mode at the time.

He added: “I got the selfie of a lifetime, which I can't take full credit for. Elephants are incredibly intelligent, and it definitely makes you wonder if it was a conscious action.”


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