When a man complained to a cafe owner about a woman breastfeeding nearby, she was having none of it.
The “middle-aged gentleman” told the owner of Cheese and Biscuits cafe “there was a mother breastfeeding out there and we might want to ask her to cover up”, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
But Jessica-Anne Allen was thoroughly unimpressed and asked him to leave her establishment in Queensland, Australia,
She said: ”We told him that we are a breastfeeding friendly cafe, that we have mothers' groups and ladies who come and breastfeed all the time and we would never ask a mother to cover up when she is feeding her child.

A man complained about a mother breastfeeding her baby at the Cheese and Biscuits cafe
"We also told him there were plenty of seats inside, away from the woman and her friends, if he wanted and he seemed fine, and as far as I was concerned that was the end of it."
But as she brought the customer his drink, he said that he had spoken to the mother, who has asked to remain anonymous.
Furious, Allen put his drink straight into a takeaway container and asked him to leave the premises.
The 29-year-old said: "I was afraid that she would feel like she had to cover up from now on.
"And quite frankly, that is not good enough. It should never have been an issue in the first place because it is a form of adult bullying and is actually against the law to approach a breastfeeding mother and ask her to stop or cover up."
She added: “I just think it is completely and utterly wrong, because it is a bonding moment for mother and child and sight is a big part of that and to cover the child up so they can't see mum, would take away from that.
"We didn't do anything great; we just did what was morally right."
Praise has flooded in for Allen on social media.
John Paul Janke wrote: “Just read the story online. Congrats to you guys for taking a stance and defending the young mum. It IS time more people stood up to defend the right of women to breastfeed in public.”
Jackie Baldwin said: “Thank you for defending the young mum caring for her one of her bubs most basic needs in the most natural way. I wonder whether there would have been the same level of indignation if she had been bottle feeding?”
Amy Hansen added: “Thank you for doing what's right by breastfeeding mothers and babies. Way to go!”
The cafe has since published an update on their Facebook page, reading: “Cheese and Biscuits Cafe would like to reiterate that we are a breast feeding friendly cafe. We do not in anyway believe that to breast feed a baby is anything to be ashamed of and we will not ask customers to cover up. We would appreciate it if you would respect our choice and not ask our customers to cover up yourselves.”