Alex Salmond Tells Minister Anna Soubry To 'Behave Yourself Woman' In Commons

Watch Alex Salmond Tell Minister To 'Behave Yourself Woman'

Conservative minister Anna Soubry has hit back at Alex Salmond, accusing him of sexism after he told her to "behave yourself, woman" during a debate in the House of Commons.

The former SNP leader and Scottish first minister, who was elected as MP for Gordon in May, was speaking during a parliamentary debate on devolution on Wednesday evening.

Salmond, arguing about how many Scottish and English MPs should sit on the Scottish affairs committee, accused Conservative Party of trying to "stuff the Scottish select committee with English Conservative MPs".

During the debate, Salmond appeared distracted by Soubry, the small businesses minister. He told her across the chamber: "The Treasury bench should behave better in these debates, she should be setting an example to your new members not cavorting about like some demented junior minister - behave yourself, woman."

On Thursday morning Soubry responded on Twitter. "Salmond can dish it out but he can't take it," she said. "Alex Salmond seems to think women should be seen not heard. His attitude belongs firmly in the 19th century."

It is not the first time Salmond and Soubry have locked horns. During the election campaign, the pair had a feisty debate on the BBC's Sunday morning Andrew Marr programme. Soubry, who was then a defence minister, branded the prospect of a Labour government supported by the SNP "terrifying".

Soubry, who is known for a combative manner, also once had to apologise after saying Nigel Farage "looks like somebody has put their finger up his bottom".

Salmond isn't the only parliamentarian to have faced questions over comments made to a female MP in the Commons. David Cameron was blasted for telling then Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Angela Eagle to "calm down dear" during a heated debate in 2011.


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