SNP's New Crop Of MPs Blast 'Ridiculous Shambles' That Is Prime Minister's Question Time

New SNP MPs Really Didn't Enjoy Their First PMQs

Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) on Wednesday looked like a very different landscape to the party leaders' final clash just weeks before the General Election.

Familiar faces had been struck from the Labour frontbench, Nick Clegg ousted from his perch beside the Prime Minister, and one less Ukip MP was seen tailgating on the so-called 'rebel's bench'.

Top: Balls, Miliband, Harman. Bottom: Creagh, Harman, Shuker

But perhaps most strikingly of all was the large contingent of new SNP MPs, many of whom dutifully filed into the Commons chamber on Wednesday to witness their very first PMQs from the vantage point of those famous green benches.

A large number were left more than unimpressed though, and wasted no time in telling their tens of thousands of Twitter followers exactly what they thought of the big event.

Some branded the proceedings as "infantile" while others rubbished David Cameron for being "a bully".

One newbie, Gavin Newlands, who overturned a more than 15,000 Labour majority in his Paisley and Renfrewshire North constituency, committed the ultimate social media faux-pas, accidentally tagging his commentary with #FMQ (First Minister's Questions - the equivalent of PMQs in the Scottish Parliament).

But while the latest Scottish additions to the Commons chamber seem scathing in their criticism of PMQs, SNP members are by no means the only MPs with a disdain for the weekly parliamentary proceedings.

Sarah Champion, the re-elected representative for Rotherham, told the BBC on Wednesday she felt PMQs had become "a screaming pantomime".

Labour's Stella Creasy and Ian Austin followed suite and also quickly weighed into the debate:

Even David Cameron has previously said he finds the whole setup a "nightmare".

But this isn't the first time SNP MPs have clashed with ancient Commons cultures.

Many of the new intake were reprimanded for rallying against Parliamentary procedure, first for clapping in the chamber, then for posting selfies taken in Westminster on their Twitter profiles, and finally for attempting to uproot veteran Labour MP Dennis Skinner from his spot on the 'rebels bench'.

They even managed to cause a stir after Mhairi Black, the 20-year-old who ousted former shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander from his Scottish seat, was snapped eating a chip buttie.


We've got the definitive list of ways the new Scottish parliamentarians are defying, what one called, "eighteenth century" traditions.


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