The 100 Most Influential Women On Twitter

The 100 Most Influential Women On Twitter Right Now

In celebration of the fact that women are dominating social media, The Huffington Post UK is publishing a list of the 100 most influential women globally on the social network today.

The most followed Twitter account belongs to a woman: Katy Perry. The I Kissed A Girl singer has over 70 million followers, ten million more than Barack Obama. But she's not the most influential woman on the list.

Influence is not just about followers: it's about how much you engage with other people to make an impact.

Katy Perry has more followers than anyone else in the world - but only places 17th on the list

Beyoncé, who ranks at number 36, has 14 million followers but her influence is considerably lessened by the fact that she has only ever tweeted eight times. Her last post was in 2013. Beyoncé's head of digital strategy said last year that the star prefers Instagram and Facebook: “I think as an artist, Beyoncé really prefers to communicate in images.”

Our list of the 100 most influential women reflects a more true measure of influence: the importance of engaging with other people online. Working with the Twitter marketing company SocialBro, we have ranked the most powerful 100 women, based on three filters from the influence measurement tool Kred.

First, we ranked the top women based on their 'influence' (a score out of 1,000 ranking the likelihood that someone will trust a Twitter user and act upon their posts). We then filtered based on their 'outreach' (how active they are on Twitter, hence Beyoncé's 'outreach' score is a pitiful zero) and finally sorted each segment by the number of followers. Only verified accounts were considered.

Our most influential women are all glamorous, entertaining, smart, successful and - inevitably - very popular. Most are from the music world, but women from other industries make an appearance: J K Rowling, actor Emma Watson, media personalities like Tyra Banks and Fearne Cotton, comedian Sarah Silverman, tennis star Serena Williams and entrepreneur and fashion star Victoria Beckham.

Here are the top 10, in all their glory. Scroll down to read the full list of 100 and a detailed breakdown of their scores.

About the data: the data is correct as of 03/06/2015. The list was compiled by The collection process began with a Twitter search for the most influential accounts, followed by filtering for verified accounts, then determining female owned accounts, ranking by outreach and finally ranking based on audience size.


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