Jurassic World Dinosaur Inaccuracies Are Making Paleontologists Mad

Scientists Are Roaring Mad About The Dinosaur Inaccuracies In Jurassic World

Spectacle before science is the complaint of many after watching Jurassic World.

According to paleontologists, the movie is filled with scientific falsities and academics are literally spitting feathers.

Recent research indicates dinosaurs are the descendants of birds and that the majority boasted a plumage of sorts - none of which in evident in the film.

Mosasaurus is one of the creatures under fire by paleontologists

Darren Naish, a paleontologist writing for CNN on this detail said it's: “A huge leap backwards and a bitter disappointment”.

Jack Horner the paleontologist that worked with the film's producers tried to explain the lack of feathers, telling Metro: "The decision was made for the franchise’s continuity."

"The stories have to continue in the 'Jurassic Park World' despite new advances occurring in the science world."

Yeah, right... Chris Pratt 'tames' the prehistorical creatures with his bare hands

Another blinding mistake in the movie is the myth of the 'dinosaur whisperer'.

Paleontologist Kenneth Lacovara told GQ that dinosaur brains are too simple to be trained.

During the blockbuster, lead star Chris Pratt holds his hands up continuously to calm the beasts.

Pratt's hand signals do however display a really good way to get eaten...

Another roaring mistake comes in the form of the Mosasaurus.

According to science, the cinematic representation of the creature is far too big and it shouldn't have a frill on its back.

And crucially, it's not technically considered to be a dinosaur as it doesn’t live on land.

They did get one thing accurate though, the specifics of it's fearsome teeth are real. [Keep on fighting the good fight, science!]

The Velociraptorhad feathers and weighed around 75lbs

That's not it though, more complaints say that the Velociraptors have been scaled up.

The creatures should only weigh around 75 pounds, which is about the same size as a medium sized dog.

But, perhaps the decision to enlarge it was down to the assumption that Hollywood's audience would not be so scared of a Dino-Dog...

Not all scientists are upset by the errors – Matthew Mossbrucker, director of the Morrison Natural History Museum, told the Washington Post: "It's true that from what I've seen, the dinosaurs in 'Jurassic World' are not the most accurate.

"But these are opportunities to have people ask great questions and to educate them — not excuses to throw popcorn at the screen."


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