Glastonbury 2015 Confessions Reveal Hardcore Shame

Gross Glasto Confessions 'I Urinated On Someones Leg'

Uh Oh. Glasto goers' deepest darkest confessions have been revealed and they are more hardcore than ever before.

Like remember that time at Glastonbury when you urinated on someone's leg and masturbated to Mary J Blige?

These mud-stinking hipsters sure do know a thing or two about partying and definitely know how to come home covered in beer, sweat and shame.

Music lovers beware, someone here reads the daily mail

One festival attendee shared her particularly shocking admission and said: "I masterbated in front of Mary J Blige"

Its up to you to decide what's worse - that she publicly admits it or that she did it in a plastic poncho.

Another woman actually admitted that she didn't have a ticket *cough* perhaps that's a call for tighter security next year Glasto?

The most shocking revelation came from a man with his face in a leather bondage mask who said: "When no one is looking - I read the daily mail"

Recognise him? This man orders the daily mail

And probably the most heart-breaking story comes from a girl who abandoned her mum during Florence and the Machine because she was ashamed of being seen with her. Aww.

Until next time, Glastonbury.


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