Tunisian Survivor Reveals She 'Played Dead' Just Inches From Gunman

Tunisian Woman 'Played Dead' Just Inches From Gunman

A woman "played dead" by falling to the ground when the Tunisian terrorist fired at tourists, stopping just inches from her as he reloaded his gun.

Angela Evans relays the terrifying ordeal of how she and her friend lay face down in the sand to avoid the gunman's bullets in an interview with the BBC.

A total of 38 people, including up to 30 Britons, died after 23-year-old student Seifeddine Rezgui opened fire in the resort of Sousse on Friday.

Ms Evans tells the BBC in a harrowing interview how she heard the gunman approach when she and her friend were relaxing on the beach.

Angela Evans, a survivor of the Tunisian attack relays her terrifying ordeal

She said: "We laid down and we heard this noise," adding: " We both looked up. Stood up, I think. Who is this man then? In black? Several rows of sun loungers away he just stood there with this huge gun moving round all the people. Shooting at us. Just killing, murdering them."

She continues: "You can't run, you're an open target running. He was shooting anyone on their feet aswell as anyone lying on sun loungers. He was just killing them.

"So we both at the same time played dead. We just fell, fell to the ground, faces in the sand... the shooting continued. He just kept on shooting. We felt he was coming nearer and nearer."

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Ms Evans is very emotional and visibly upset as she recounts the events of that traumatic day.

She recalls how the gunman got so close that his feet were at the side of her, when she heard a clicking from the gun as he reloaded.

She adds: "I could feel he moved and then he shooting started again."

Ms Evans says that everyone was dead around her, except one woman who asked for help.

Injured survivors of the attack are now back in the UK receiving treatment.

On Tuesday, Downing Street confirmed 21 British fatalities from last week's attack. More are expected.


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