Sinéad O'Connor Slams 'C***' Kim Kardashian's Rolling Stone Cover: 'Music Has Officially Died'

Sinéad O'Connor Slams Kim K In Furious Facebook Post

Sinéad O’Connor has a few choice words for Kim Kardashian, posting an expletive-laden rant about her on Facebook.


Kim is currently appearing on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, along with an accompanying interview with the reality star, where she discusses feminism, transgender issues and her husband, Kanye West.

Kim Kardashian

However, the ‘Nothing Compares 2U’ singer seems unimpressed with the decision to put Kim on the cover of the magazine, branding her a “c***”, and claiming the move signifies the death of music.


“Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh can no longer be expected to take all the blame. Bob Dylan must be fucking horrified.”

Sinéad O'Connor

She also called for her fans to boycott the magazine completely, concluding with the hashtag, #BoycottRollingStone.

The message has been met with a mixed reception from her fans, with one telling her they agreed, commenting: "Rolling Stone hasn't been about the music for a long while now."

Another added: "What happened to the musicians? Where is Sinead, The Pogues, The Cure, Kirsty MacColl etc? Come on folks at Rolling Stone, don't erase these people from the history of rock / pop, !!!"

However, not everyone agrees with Sinéad, with one comment claiming she'd gone too far, saying: "You know Sinead O'Connor I freaking adore you... however calling anyone the C word especially on social media, and especially given your status in the music world its disappointing."

This isn’t the first time Sinéad has publicly bashed Simon Cowell and his TV talent show ‘The X Factor’, prompting the music mogul to invite her to become a guest judge, joking on Twitter: “I think sinead o'connor would be a real fun guest judge on X factor. She loves the show and everything I do. Let me know sinead.”

All we have to say to Sinéad for discrediting Kim K’s musical abilities, is that she’s clearly never heard Kim’s foray into the world of music, ‘Jam (Turn It Up)’. In fact, we feel a song coming on right now…


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