'13 Minutes': The Secret Story Of Georg Elser, The Man Who Tried To Assassinate Hitler, Finally Brought To Screen (EXCLUSIVE CLIP)

The Story Of The Brave Man Who Almost Managed To Assassinate Hitler

Georg Elser wasn't just another brave resistance fighter in World War II. He was German, and he almost succeeded in changing the course of history, by assassinating Adolf Hitler, before his plans had brought havoc and tragedy to Europe.

Watch our Exclusive Clip of '13 Minutes' above...

Now, his story has been brought to the screen by German director Oliver Hirschbiegel, whose previous film 'Downfall' intimately explored the last days of Hitler in his bunker.

Christian Friedel plays the extraordinarily brave resistance fighter Georg Elser

'13 Minutes' shows how George Elser attempted to carry out a bomb explosion that would finish off the Fuhrer at a Nazi convention in Munich in October 1939.

For years, his story remained untold until last year, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel finally acknowledged Elser as one of Germany's great heroes of the resistance. She called him "one who struggled on his own... to try to prevent the war".

'13 Minutes' is released in UK cinemas on 17 July. Watch the trailer below...


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