Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists Taken Down By Buzz Aldrin And Professor Brian Cox

Buzz Aldrin And Brian Cox Just Epically Tag-Teamed Apollo Conspiracy Theorists
Astronaut Edwin E.
Astronaut Edwin E.

Monday saw the 46th anniversary of the first lunar landings so inevitably the conspiracy loons were out in force.

Thankfully we have the ever-so rational not to mention, intelligent, Professor Brian Cox to sort them out.


Then, as if that wasn't cool enough, Buzz Aldrin - who knows a thing or two about the moon - chipped in too.


For good measure, Al Murray got in on the act as well.

And this guy sums it all up.

So let us just reminisce for a while with some more evidence from a man who ACTUALLY WALKED ON THE MOON.

When Neil Armstrong took this photo of me during our #Apollo11 moon landing it was very spur of the moment. He said "...

Posted by Buzz Aldrin on Monday, July 20, 2015

As I made my way down the ladder I partially closed the hatch. Being careful not to lock it on my way out. #Apollo11 (There wasn't a handle on the door.) #NASA

Posted by Buzz Aldrin on Monday, July 20, 2015

I only took a few photos on the moon and this one was to show how the lunar dust was like talcum powder. #Apollo11 (Neil had the camera most of the time as it was my job to set up the experiments.)

Posted by Buzz Aldrin on Monday, July 20, 2015

When kids ask me what it felt like to walk on the moon I say "squishy"! They are #GenerationMars. #Apollo11

Posted by Buzz Aldrin on Monday, July 20, 2015

And here's some more proof just in case...


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