11 Items Of Clothing That Can Totally Read Your Mind

11 Items Of Clothing That Can Totally Read Your Mind

Ever feel like your clothes just get you? That you and your favourite top/jumper/shoes (delete as applicable) were just destined to be together by some sort of mystical cosmic alignment?

Us too.

But we never knew just how in tune it was possible to be with an item of clothing until we stumbled across these fantastic fashion creations that bring a whole new dimension to slogan clothing. One that our '99% angel, 1% devil' tee from Tammy just couldn't quite manage.

Here are 11 items of clothing with spookily accurate slogans:

1. This jacket that knows what you're thinking when your date stands you up...

My jacket, my bum and I. By @lushaalic 🐍

A photo posted by Elizabeth S Ilsley (@elizabethilsley) on

2. This jumper that sums up how you feel about street harassment...

New new new from @thisismayan 🍭🍭🍭

A photo posted by @its_meandyou on

3. These pants that share your political beliefs...

Undies getting back in stock next week! (White first then pink πŸ˜‰)

A photo posted by @its_meandyou on

4. This bra that definitely sympathises with you...

5. This crop top that sums you up on a bad day, or a good day, or any day...


A photo posted by Beckie Louise Finch (@clashofclothes) on

6. And this one that perfectly describes your experiences on Tinder...

You look like i need a drink🍻🍻🍻 #omighty www.o-mighty.com @amandavex

A photo posted by %^~*~* WWW.O-MIGHTY.COM~*~%% (@omweekend) on

7. These shoes that don't have to apologise for being themselves...


A photo posted by Rosy Cherrington (@rosycherrington) on

8. This top that's just not in the mood...

SRSLY www.DollsKill.com

A photo posted by Dolls Kill (@dollskill) on

9. This bag that channels your bank balance...

πŸ’²πŸ’² www.dollskill.com/PRICELESS πŸ’²πŸ’²

A photo posted by Dolls Kill (@dollskill) on

10. This petticoat that knows just what you want at the pub...


A photo posted by MISSGUIDED (@missguided) on

11. And this sweater that knows how much you care


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