Zayn Malik Tweets Cryptic 'Lotus' Tweet Amid Perrie Edwards Split Reports - But Whatever Could It Mean?

We've Decoded Zayn's Cryptic Tweet Re Perrie Split So You Don't Have To

Zayn Malik has broken his Twitter silence, following his reported break-up from fiancée Perrie Edwards.


Perrie herself has all but confirmed that their relationship was over, giving a muted answer when quizzed about it by a US journalist. Meanwhile, Zayn has kept pretty much schtum about the whole thing… apart from one rather curious post on his Twitter page.

Without any context or explanation, Zayn has shared with his followers a photo of a lotus flower sitting on top of a piano (well, actually, it was a paper cut-out of a lotus flower, but the florist was probably shut at that time of night, wasn’t it?).

Is he hinting at something? Does the photo have some class of hidden meaning? What could it all mean?

Well, wonder no more. We’ve been racking our brains to uncover the potential secret meanings behind Zayn’s photo, and here are just some of what we’ve come up with…

1. He’s Using Music To Bounce Back From It All

The lotus flower holds cultural significance in a number of countries for emerging from the mud “unstained” (or, y’know, at least that’s what Wikipedia tells us…). The position of the flower atop a piano suggests he could be triumphing over adversity with the aid of music.

See, deep thinkers us.

2. He’s Got A Celebrity Duet On The Way

When we think pianos and extravagant flowers, there’s only one man we think of, and that’s Elton John.

Given that Sir Elton’s past collaborators include Blue and RuPaul, perhaps Zayn is using music to help himself through the split, by recording a mournful rendition of ‘Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’.

3. He’s Got A New Car Sponsorship

As recently as yesterday, it was reported that the Lotus Elise sports car was returning to America in the next few years… have they already landed themselves a celebrity spokesperson?

4. He’s Got A Tip For Hay Fever Sufferers

Summer is here, which can be a nightmare for sufferers of hay fever. Perhaps Zayn is using his social media presence to give people some interior decorating advice, and alert those affected to the fact that paper cutouts of flowers are every bit as nice to look at as the real thing.

5. He’s Finally Giving Christina Aguilera The Promo She Deserves

Christina Aguilera’s most recent studio album, ‘Lotus’, sank like a lead kite, quite frankly. Now that he knows all eyes are on his Twitter page, it could be Zayn is taking the chance to give X-Tina a bit of much-need promo (‘Your Body’, after all, is a true banger).

6. He Was Bored

Probably, right..?


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