Man Tattoos Six Inch Penis To Leg, Wife Kicks Him Out For Good

Man Tattoos 6 Inch Penis On Thigh, Wife Kicks Him Out

There are some things in life that you just can't come back from and for Stuart Valentino that thing was tattooing a six-and-a-half inch penis to his leg.

Valentino, who was formerly dubbed the "world's most annoying husband", has been kicked out of his own home by his wife after his latest DIY tattoo landed him in hot water.

The 34-year-old tattooed the penis onto his inner thigh after a drunken night out, using a tattoo gun which his wife Samantha had bought him for Christmas.

But it was the final straw for Samantha who, just last month, told Valentino to leave their Southsea home for good.

Stuart Valentino has been kicked out after tattooing a penis onto his leg.

The six-and-a-half inch, hand-drawn penis that Valentino sports on his leg is apparently not the first offence that he's committed.

The father-of-four is known for his YouTube pranks, which have included pretending to eat cat poo - a prank which made his wife vomit - and drawing a monkey's face on her bottom while she slept.

But the phallic tattoo was definitely the final straw.

"It caused no end of rows and she’s now kicked me out of home. I deserve it, I suppose," he said, according to the Mail Online.

The penis tattoo in all its glory.

"In retrospect, I’m not surprised," added the prankster. "It really is the stupidest thing I’ve ever done."

According to Valentino, it would cost roughly £1,000 to remove the tattoo which is money that "could have been spent on a family holiday".

It caused no end of arguments and eventually Samantha couldn't hack it anymore. She has since said he can't take their daughter swimming in case the tattoo can be seen under his swimming shorts.

Stuart Valentino with his wife, Samantha.

Since being kicked out, Valentino - who works as a lorry driver - said: "I had no idea that a joke could ruin my life. I’m devastated I’ve lost my family, and frustrated with myself. I can’t blame anyone else."

He added that he's now got a constant reminder of how stupid he's been poking out from underneath his shorts.

Next time Stuart, think before you ink.
