Student Georgia Bradley Adopts Stray Dog In Crete Who Saved Her From Two Men Harassing Her

Student Spends Thousands To Adopt Stray Dog In Crete Who Saved Her From Harassment By Two Men

A student who was harassed by two men while on holiday in Crete has spent thousands of pounds to adopt the dog who saved her from the attack.

Georgia Bradley, a 25-year-old studying at Plymouth University, was on a beach on the island when she was approached by two men who asked her to go for a drink. When she refused, one of the men grabbed her arm - but a small back dog suddenly appeared and started barking at the pair.

The stray stood by the student's side and started licking her hand until the men walked away.

Georgia Bradley with Pepper and the dog's passport

Speaking to the Plymouth Herald, Bradley, who has called the dog Pepper, said: "She saved me. Pepper shot out of nowhere, jumped up at me and began barking and licking my hand, and that made the men think twice.

"She must have noticed something was wrong.

"When I went back to the apartment she followed me and finally let us stroke her. We had an instant bond."

Pepper on the beach in Crete

When it was time for Bradley to return home, the dog ran after the car which was taking the student to the airport. "It was heartbreaking," Bradley added.

When the student arrived back in Calstock, Cornwall, she said she "couldn't stop thinking" about the dog, and hopped on a flight back to the island as soon as she could.

Pepper settles in with her puppies

Bradley flew 6,000 miles back and forth to Crete over five weeks, desperate to be reunited with Pepper, and finally found her on the same beach.

After a vet and an animal shelter refused to take on Pepper, Bradley shelled out thousands for a pet passport, quarantine and jabs so she could take the dog home.

Bradley cradles one of Pepper's puppies

A week after arriving back in the UK, Pepper gave birth to six puppies.

"It's been such a crazy journey," Bradley added. "But I am over the moon."


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