Bone Marrow Donor Receives Touching Letter Of Thanks From Stranger She Helped

Bone Marrow Donor Receives Touching Letter From Stranger She Helped

A woman who donated her bone marrow to a stranger has received a touching note of thanks from the recipient.

Sarah Scott, 26, registered to donate bone marrow four years ago after a friend posted a status on Facebook about Be The Match - the world’s largest bone marrow registry.

According to the NHS, receiving a bone marrow transplant is a potentially live-saving treatment for people suffering from leukaemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and certain genetic blood and immune system disorders – such as sickle cell anaemia, and thalassaemia.

Last year, Scott received a call from the national bone marrow registry letting her know that she'd been matched with a woman in her 50s. She flew to Minnesota from her home in Utah to help.

A year after donating her bone marrow, Scott received a touching letter of thanks from the woman she helped.

The woman, whose name in unknown, thanked Scott for giving her more time with her beautiful grandchildren and says that she is happy to be back at work.

We love a happy ending.
