Katie Hopkins And Louise Mensch Troll Each Other Over M&S Boss's Maternity Leave

Katie Hopkins And Louise Mensch In Epic Trolling Match Over M&S Boss's Maternity Leave

Two Sun newspaper columnists are engaged in an epic trolling match over an M&S executive who took maternity leave aged 50.

Katie Hopkins, who last month prompted fury after comparing desperate migrants to cockroaches, claimed in a fresh piece for The Sun that she was "grossed out" at the idea of Marks and Spencer's boss Laura Wade-Gery having a baby and said pregnant women over 40 was "socially unacceptable".

She decried Wade-Gery's leave being announced to stock market officials, musing: "What other private matters would she like to update FTSE 100 investors with?"

"The state of her husband’s prostate? Her trouble with heartburn?"

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But Hopkins' comments prompted scorn from ex-Tory MP and fellow Sun columnist Louise Mensch, who defended a woman's right take to take their entitled maternity leave and told Hopkins to "pack it in".

In a piece published in the Sun on Sunday, Mensch wrote that advances in technology meant women should be able to preserve eggs so they could have babies in later life.

"Laura has reached the top of the career ladder, and now plans to add children to the mix. Great!" Mensch wrote.

"Katie’s angry that an announcement was put out to the Stock Exchange. But that’s because Laura is so good at her job that shareholders needed to be warned about the break.

She added: "Today's moaning minnies think it's never the right time for a kid. I'm 44 and I'd happily have another child tomorrow".

However this proved too much for Hopkins who retorted: "I really don't think we need anymore Menschkins running about this planet."

The latest battle between the pair came after Mensch posted a damning message decrying tweets by alleged supporters of Labour leadership-hopeful Jeremy Corbyn that targeted one of the socialist stalwart's rivals.

"Twitter's autocomplete on Liz Kendall. This is the sewer that is Jeremy Corbyn's support," she wrote, posting a screen grab of suggested searches about the MP which included the words "zionist", "nazi", "Jewish" and "Jews".

But Twitter users quickly pointed out that the autofill search options were not suggestions, but previous searches.


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