James O'Brien's Epic Rant About Jeremy Corbyn Not Singing National Anthem Leaves Caller Speechless

James O'Brien Rant Over Corbyn National Anthem Row Leaves Caller Speechless

James O'Brien left a caller speechless on Wednesday after the radio show host called him a “disgusting creature” for not knowing the words to the national anthem.

The LBC presenter, who is known for leaving his guests and callers tongue-tied, stunned the caller who criticised Jeremy Corbyn for not singing the national anthem at a service to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain on Tuesday.

The caller labelled the Labour leader's silence “disgraceful”, saying it dishonoured soldiers who had died in the wars, fighting for their country.

But O’Brien pointed out: “It’s not about the nation, it’s about the Queen,” adding: “There's nothing in the national anthem that mentions soldiers, dead or alive, that mentions the nation or the country.”

The caller retorted: “These people fought for this country.”

As the caller continued with his argument, O'Brien asked him to remind him what the second verse of the national anthem was.

A stunned silence followed, in which the caller was not even able to repeat the first line.

O'Brien told him: “I thought you rang me to remind me of how important it was,” adding: “But those people died for you... You don’t even know the words. What sort of a disgusting creature are you?

“They died for you, they shed their blood on foreign fields for you, and you don’t even know the words?

“Unbelievable, Unbelievable - except it’s not mate, I’m yanking your chain. It’s a stupid argument to suggest he should have sang it to honour dead soldiers when they don’t get mentioned in the song.”

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