A female gorilla carries her newborn twins close to her body, but something isn't quite right.
One of the babies has died, but their mother just can't let go.
Heartbreaking images show the western lowland gorilla clutching the body awkwardly, and carrying along her other baby who appears to be healthy.

The gorilla gave birth on September 15 and while both offspring appeared to be healthy, one of the twins quickly deteriorated.
Despite attention from Frankfurt Zoo's experts, the baby died two days later, the zoo wrote online.
"In the beginning, both babies were doing well, but in the course of Wednesday, we had observed that one was becoming weaker," director Manfred Niekisch told the Frankfurter Neue Presse.
The behaviour isn't all that uncommon in primates and it is common for mothers to carry dead offspring for hours and even days.

Earlier this year another gorilla at Frankfurt carried a dead baby for four days, according to reports.