London's top police chief has blasted The Sun newspaper over its role in an investigation into alleged drug offences by the former Tory peer Lord Sewel.
Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Met's senior Commissioner, criticised editors at the Murdoch-owned red-top for their part in assisting police with enquiries, after it emerged yesterday the case had been dropped due to 'lack of evidence'.
Lord Sewel was caught on camera in a drugs sting earlier this year, pictured allegedly snorting cocaine with prostitutes and using racist language but will now not face the courts.
The story was a Sun exclusive, and featured a front page image of 69-year-old Sewel under the headline "Lord coke: Top peer's drug binges with £200 prostitutes."

July's Sun On Sunday
But after charges against him were dropped on Wednesday, The Sun mused in an editorial today: "We've heard it all now. Lord Sewel won’t be charged with drug offences due to a lack of evidence.
"Lack of evidence? He was pictured on our front page snorting cocaine through a rolled-up bank note. If that’s not incriminating, we are stumped as to what is...
"What a laughing stock it has become under Bernard Hogan-Howe."
But the Commissioner, speaking to LBC radio on Wednesday, hit back with some choice words for the tabloid's bosses.

The Met chief has been in his role for four years
"News International constantly challenge me, I realise that, and the Sun in particular," he commented. "But what I will say - we try not to talk about individual cases, it's very hard in this case, I realise.
"But we made a very clear statement in this case, which is that, you know, unless the forensic evidence is there, and unless we have statements from witnesses, then we will struggle to prove a charge."
Hogan-Howe added: "As it happens, the newspaper involved in this, ask them how much they helped in this enquiry.
Quizzed by presenter Nick Ferarri, who urged him to "fill in the blanks", the Met chief added stingingly: "No, I'll let them fill in the blanks, 'cause there are lots of them."

Lord Sewel, who faced drug offence charges, pictured
A Scotland Yard spokesperson refused to comment on the remarks of their Commissioner, or clarify what "blanks" Sun editors were accused of not helping fill in.