Strangers Come Together To Try To Bring About A "Miracle" For Girl Facing Cancer For Seventh Time

Anonymous Appeal Launched For Girl Facing Cancer For 7th Time, Internet Responds Admirably

An unknown person has appealed to strangers to help bring about a "miracle" for a little girl who is preparing to battle cancer for the seventh time.

The anonymous person has shared a photo gallery on Imgur that traces the heartbreaking story of Maddie Grace, who has leukaemia.

The poster wrote: "I've seen Imgur help many before Maddie. And I'm asking they step up to the task once again. A click, a dollar, a share, every little bit helps.

"[Her parents] are constantly forced back down to the much less important reality of financing this poor girl's treatment. Not to mention paying everyday expenses when they would be much more useful and content by Maddie's side."

Scroll through the slides below by clicking on the "ReadMore" link to read Maddie's story.

Since the Imgur post was published on 13 October, it has had nearly 200,000 views.

Maddie's GoFundMe donation page has since had a long string of anonymous donations, including one from a person who goes by the name "Imgur friend".

The page, which was set up in 2012, is now at £11,700.

Maddie was first diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in July 2009.

After Maddie's chemotherapy treatment ended in October 2010, her parents thought she had the all-clear.

However, in February 2011 the family learned Maddie's her leukaemia had returned. She immediately had a bone marrow transplant.

Maddie's parents documented her journey on Caring Bridge, a platform to share stories with the wider public.

Between 2011 and 2014, Maddie relapsed four times. She relapsed for the sixth time in September 2015.

At the time, a relative of Maddie wrote on the GoFundMe page dedicated to her: "This little girl is preparing to battle cancer for the seventh time.

"We are asking you to help fund Maddie's road to remission by donating to the family, routinely over the next months.

"We could ease their burden and let them focus on their hardest battle yet.

"And just as important, we could prove to Maddie that fierceness of our bond to her, in fellowship, and as her community."
