Julia Bradbury has revealed that the birth of her second twin was "scary", as she lost two litres of blood and the need to deliver the baby became "urgent".
The 45-year-old BBC presenter, who gave birth to twin girls Xanthe and Zena in March 2015, said her first twin was born after 11 hours and the delivery was relatively smooth.
However, the delivery of her second twin was more complicated.
"I was losing a lot of blood and they were monitoring the second baby’s heart rate," Bradbury told the Evening Standard.
"They said they needed to get the baby out. I looked up and saw more medics had come in."

Bradbury, who is also mum to four-year-old Zephyr with her partner Gerard Cunningham, said her second twin was facing the wrong way round making it incredibly difficult for her to be delivered.
The medical staff had to use forceps to move Bradbury's daughter, because the need to deliver the baby became "urgent".
She added: "It was a scary 45 minutes and the staff were brilliant. When you’re in that situation you don’t really realise exactly what’s happening.
"The atmosphere in the room had changed, but when I asked what was wrong they said it was all under control."
In total, Bradbury lost two litres of blood during the birth.
Now seven months old, she said her twins are "absolutely beautiful" and do a lot of bouncing.
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After what she went through during birth, Bradbury is now supporting the expansion London's busiest maternity units at the The Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital.
She added: "I can’t say enough good things about the staff at Queen Charlotte’s — they are so dedicated and hard-working.
"I’m very keen that it maintains that reputation, which is why I’m supporting the appeal."
Bradbury was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 40, a womb condition that affects fertility.
She fell pregnant with the twins after five rounds of IVF, admitting that going through fertility treatment took its toll on her work and family life.
Speaking on ITV's This Morning in May 2015, she said: "It’s a really tough condition so when Zephyr was conceived naturally I was delighted.
"He was the miracle and brought enormous joy... and then I had a longing for him to have a sibling and embarked on a pretty rocky road of IVF."