Star Wars: The Force Awakens New Poster Unveiled As Hype Builds Towards December Release

Someone Is Missing From The New 'Star Wars' Poster And It's A Pretty Big Deal

We're beginning to move closer towards the long-awaited release of the next 'Star Wars' film 'The Force Awakens', but the movie's just-released new poster has raised more questions than it's answered.


Now that its release date has been confirmed, further publicity for the film is beginning to be released slowly but surely.

And on Sunday the movie's poster was unveiled to adoring fans online. But someone pretty important is missing.

Star Wars tweeted the poster to the movie's followers on Twitter.

Luke Skywalker is nowhere to be seen.

The character's absence from the poster was spotted by eagle-eyed fans straight away.

While rumours around the new film's plot reach fever pitch online, the new poster will serve to heighten speculation Skywalker, played by actor Mark Hamill, is somewhat sidelined in the action.

This follows his conspicuous absence from two previoustrailers.

More details may well be revealed on Monday when a new version of the trailer is broadcast in the US.


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