Climate Change Could Cause A Fatal Temperature Rise In The Persian Gulf, Scientists Predict

Well This Frightening - Climate Change Could Make The Gulf Too Hot To Survive In

Scientists have made a frightening prediction detailing how parts of the Persian Gulf could be come too hot to live in by the end of the century if global warming continues at the current rate.

They predict that the heat and humidity will exceed a critical threshold, exposing people to 74 to 77 Celsius for at least six hours.

In a study published by Nature Climate Change, both scientists stated that when the temperatures stay below 35 Celsius, our bodies are able to get rid of heat through sweating and evaporation, which keeps the body cool.

However, beyond a certain threshold, the human body loses the ability to get rid of heat and this has a detrimental effect on the physiological processes of the body.

"You can go to a wet sauna and put the temperature up to 35 Celsius or so," study co-author Elfatih Eltahir, an MIT environmental engineering professor told the Associated Press.

"You can bear it for a while, now think of that at an extended exposure of six or more hours."

While the study states that conditions may not be quite so bad for those having access to air conditioning. It does warn that such rise in temperatures could cause deaths and make working outside intolerable.

This would be the type of heat that would make deadly heat wave in Europe in 2003 that killed more than 70,000 people "look like a refreshing day or event," study co-author Jeremy Pal of Loyola Marymount University, told the Associated Press.


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