Remembrance Day Poppies Aren't Really Offending Anyone

This Guy Just Schooled Racists On Muslims 'Being Offended' By The Poppy

Some 45 million people are set to wear a Remembrance Day poppy this year, and virtually no one will be offended by this.

Despite that, a number of people used social media to declare they would wear the flowers whether they offended people or not.

In fact, some people even suggested that anyone who does find the poppy offensive should go "home" - although it is unclear where "home" is...

Enter Jez Hunt, whose pointed Facebook post setting the record straight that most Muslims are not actually offended by people wearing poppies, has now gone viral.

Thankfully, many people supported the sentiment...

The poppy has sometimes been the flashpoint for controversy, with some pointing towards incidents involving members the British Armed Forces.

Twitter account Crimes Of Britain (@crimesofbrits) regularly tweets posts such as this:

Jeremy Corbyn this week bowed to convention to wear a red poppy in the Commons.

The Labour leader, who recently stepped down as chair of Stop The War, had in previous years worn a white poppy.

Events are taking place marking London Poppy Day today. as members of the Armed Forces try to raise Β£1 million in just one day.

The poppy has become a symbol of remembrance of those who have given their lives fighting for their country. It was Canadian surgeon John McCrae's iconic poem, In Flanders Fields, which inspired the adoption of the poppy as such as symbol. The poem pays tribute to those who lost their lives on the battlefields of WW1.

Last year's Poppy Appeal raised over Β£45 million for the Royal British Legion, which provides support for members of the British Armed Forces, veterans and their families.


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