Sign Language Version Of Adele's 'Hello' Is Just As Beautiful As The Original

This Sign Language Version Of Adele's 'Hello' Is Beautiful

Adele's comeback song "Hello" has not disappointed fans.

The accompanying video has been described as "stunning" and the soulful ballad has been viewed more than 200 million times since it was posted on YouTube a fortnight ago.

Unsurprisingly, cover versions of the song have popped up left, right and centre online, but none are quite as beautiful as the sign language interpretation above.

The video was created by American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter Molly Lou Bartholomew.

Writing on YouTube, Bartholomew says: "I have dedicated this channel to my number one passion in life, artistic/theatrical interpreting in ASL.

"I have worked very hard on keeping these songs as conceptually accurate as possible... I hope you enjoy."
