Someone else who knows just how much penis size can affect relationships and confidence is star of Unhung Hero Patrick Moote.
The actor and comedian claims his ex-girlfriend rejected his proposal of marriage because his penis was too small.
Previously speaking to HuffPost UK Lifestyle about whether society places too much importance on penis size, he said: "Yes we do. The way people talk about it makes it seem more important than it is. Porn also gives it a weight that it shouldn’t have – the size, how women react to it being so big.
"The first time I saw another man’s penis was on the internet and it was a completely unfair representation of what a standard penis actually looks like. It also gives a really skewed version of what being intimate is – the guy’s penis looks like a baby’s arm and the woman is screaming like she’s being murdered."
Moote said self-acceptance is the best way for a man with a micropenis to improve their sex life.
"What I realised is the more you embrace the insecurities the less people are likely to be able to break down," he said.
"What I realised is it takes more energy and time to change things about yourself that you can’t than it does to accept them. I’m way better about my insecurities because I can try to accept them or try to change them."
And The Average Penis Size Is...
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