'I'm A Celebrity' Will Give Us A Chance To Feed On Chris Eubank's Words Of Wisdom. His Finest Bon Mots So Far...

Chris Eubank's Finest Words Of Wisdom In The Jungle...

The celebrities have barely touched down in the Australian jungle for 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here', but already it's becoming clear who will be providing what as the next three weeks unfold... the flirtation element from George Shelley and Jorgie Porter, snores from Duncan Bannatyne, enthusiasm from choreographer Brian Friedman, squeals from Yvette Fielding and high fives all round from Susannah Constantine.


However, for a fount of wisdom, coolness under fire and supreme mastery of his environment, there can only be one contender, and that is Mr Chris Eubank.

Chris Eubank will undoubtedly prove to be one of the wisest stars in the jungle

The former boxing champion has already displayed a singular sang froid during an early trial, impressing onlookers Ant and Dec with his stillness as thousands of insects were dropped onto him. And while others get their bearings with banter during the early days in camp, Chris seems content to smile while getting the measure of his jungle co-habitants.

What else can we learn from the monocled Baron of Brighton during his days in the jungle? These are his bon mots so far, which we will be adding to as events unfold...


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