Sikh Journalist Veerender Jubbal Photoshopped To Look Like Paris Attacker

Sikh Wrongly Identified As Paris Attacker After Quran And Bomb Vest Are Photoshopped Onto Seflie

A Sikh journalist is considering legal action after he was wrongly identified as a terrorist in the aftermath of the Paris attacks.

Canadian Veerender Jubbal’s innocent selfie with an iPad was doctored to add an explosives vest and a Quran before it was circulated online.

One of Spain’s biggest newspapers – La Razón - printed the image, captioned “one of the terrorists” before hastily apologising. It was also used by two Italian newspapers and an posted on Twitter by various other channels.

Several posts on social media also referred to Jubbal as a “Sikh convert to Islam.”

As the image spread, Jubbal took to Twitter to explain the image was fake and that he had nothing to do with the attacks.

While it is not certain who edited the image or why, The Guardian reports some have suggested Jubbal’s criticism of the Gamergate movement may have played a part.

Jubbal’s Twitter handle claims he “Made #StopGamerGate2014” and describes him as a critic and social justice healer.

The controversy continues to divide gamers calling for journalistic integrity within the gaming industry and those who believe #Gamergate is merely a misogynistic movement aimed at alienating female gamers.


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