Dita Von Teese is known for her classic 1950s pin-up style, but it turns out her makeup mantra is anything but conventional.
In her new book, 'Your Beauty Mark: The Ultimate Guide To Eccentric Glamour', the model and burlesque performer reveals the beauty rules she loves to break (and why you should too).

You Can Only Play Up One Feature At A Time
"You've read and heard it all before: downplay the eye makeup if lips are bold and red. Or play up the eyes and keep the lips nude. Nude?
"For me, it's a painted eye, a heavily penciled brow, and a swipe of crimson lipstick. Just as the true laws of nature intended.
"You're going to tell me Marilyn Monroe, Hedy Lamarr, and Rita Hayworth got it wrong? In my book they got it very right."

It's Rude To Touch Up Makeup In Public
"A woman cannot be expected to wear red lipstick and eat with joie de vivre and not check her makeup.
"Even the grumpiest looking guest cannot help be but be intrigued by a beautiful compact. In my two-plus decades of touching up at the table, never have I drawn a raised eyebrow from a fellow diner.
"I also think it's sexy to leave a single mark of red lipstick on a glass."

You Can Only Look Glamorous If You Spend A Lot Of Money
"Beauty, glamour, even luxury need not be determined by one's bank account. True luxury is using the silk robe or teacups every single day.
"A beautiful thing doesn't have to be new or even particularly valuable or precious, as long as it is a thing to behold."

Looking Perfect Requires A Whole Glam Squad
"Doing it (makeup) myself is a matter of integrity and pride. I look forward to stepping out into the world and honestly stating, 'Yes, I did this.'
I love the confidence it gives me. Truth is, it takes less time for me to do it myself. It is also so much more fun!"

You Can't Change The Way You Look
"Beauty takes practice. And you know what practice makes. So often, a stranger or friend will admire my look, and, in the same breath, hopelessly follow up that she or he can't possibly achieve such 'perfection.'
"I am not perfect. Who is? What is perfection, anyway, but striving to be the best you can be! Strive for glamour! Glamour is a thing of beauty - but it's not about being born beautiful.
"Don't just work what you have - accentuate and exaggerate. If perfection is being free of all flaws, then the only flaws worth fretting over are apathy and self-doubt.
"Feel beautiful, and you'll look it too."
Your Beauty Mark: The Ultimate Guide To Eccentric Glamour by Dita Von Teese with Rose Apodaca is out now (£25, HarperCollins).