The Infographic That Shows Why Trans People In Britain Need More Of Our 'Basic Human Decency'

The Shocking Reality Of Being Trans In Britain In 11 Statistics

This year has been a pivotal one for transgender people in this country, whether it's because of the Caitlyn Jenner's highly-publicised transition, the political inquiry or Stonewall's momentous decision to support transgender community.

"Although there is a growing awareness of gender fluidity and transgenderism, the reality is that life for a trans person can still be extremely tough," says Rebecca Root, star of the BBC Two sitcom Boy Meets Girl.

The trans community - including some of the most vulnerable people in society - has to appeal to the "basic human decency" that we all share when looking for acceptance, Root says in a BBC video.

"Because for many transgender people, accepting who they are within themselves is often just the beginning of a very difficult journey."

HuffPost UK has been championing the people - both trans and not trans - who are speaking out, through our TransBritain series this week. These stark stats show why their voices must so urgently be heard.

Useful websites and helplines:

  • The Gender Trust supports anyone affected by gender identity | 01527 894 838
  • Mermaids offers information, support, friendship and shared experiences for young people with gender identity issues | 0208 1234819
  • LGBT Youth Scotland is the largest youth and community-based organisation for LGBT people in Scotland. Text 07786 202 370
  • Gires provides information for trans people, their families and professionals who care for them | 01372 801554
  • Depend provides support, advice and information for anyone who knows, or is related to, a transsexual person in the UK

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