David Beckham Explains Why Victoria Beckham Doesn't Appear In Documentary 'For The Love Of The Game'

Why There's No Sign Of Victoria In David Beckham's Documentary

David Beckham has explained why wife Victoria doesn't appear in his documentary 'For The Love Of The Game' to be shown on BBC One next week.

The programme sees David travelling with best buddy Dave Gardner to play football matches on seven continents, including Africa where his charity UNICEF does extraordinary work, and the Antarctic where the pair recruited polar surveyors and engineers for the pitch.


Victoria appeared in her husband's previous documentary 'Into the Unknown' where she looked at the map with him, and self-mockingly worried about his hair, but she's absent from this one, although their son Brooklyn does appear when David takes to the pitch at Old Trafford, and gets to play on the same pitch as his son.

"We have our individual things," says David of his and wife Victoria's projects

David explains: "I think this documentary was more about showcasing the work we do for UNICEF, and the work UNICEF do on the ground. It was also to showcase the power of the game, what the game means to so many people around the world. If we had wanted Victoria to be part of this, she was more than happy, but this was something separate. She would have done something in it, but I don't think we needed her to."

When it comes to working on each other's projects, he says they each know to keep at what they're good at. He says: "We don't discuss keeping things separate, but we both have things we focus on, and both have things we do individually and together. I wouldn't walk into her studio and tell her how to make a dress. We definitely have our individual things."

He also adds to what he has previously said about Victoria not wanting Harper to play football, explaining: "It's not that she doesn't want her to to play football, but after having three boys, she wants to be able to have one of our children go and do stuff with her like ballet, or tap.

David with son Brooklyn Beckham on the pitch at Old Trafford

"At the moment Harper plays tennis. Victoria would be happy with whatever the kids go into, even if Harper does go into football. Victoria's had 16 years of sitting on a cold Sunday morning sideline, I think she'd like to sit inside."

The documentary, For The Love Of The Game, will air on December 29 at 9pm on BBC One.


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