David Bowie's Body 'Privately Cremated Without Family Or Friends Present, With No Funeral Planned', Report Claims

David Bowie 'Will Not Have Funeral Or Memorial Service'

David Bowie has already been cremated without any friends or family present, according to a new report.


The Mirror claims that the music legend told those closest to him that he wanted to “go without any fuss”, without having a funeral or memorial service.

He was reportedly cremated shortly after his death on Sunday (10 January).

David Bowie died on Sunday from cancer

“In many respects you don’t need a memorial or service to remember David by. You have his music instead.

"He would have wanted to just disappear with no fuss, no big show, no fan-fare. This would totally be his style.”

However, a memorial concert has already been planned at Carnegie Hall in New York on 31 March.

A statement on the organiser’s website read: “The show is taking on many more emotions. RIP David.’

“The unexpected death of David Bowie has turned this tribute, which we have worked on for the past seven months, into a memorial concert.

“This year’s concert will certainly be remembered as a poignant celebration of his music by his friends, peers, and fans. We are all deeply saddened by this news. The timing of our public on-sale date is bizarre in its timing… may God’s love be with you.”

David died aged 69, following a secret 18-month battle with cancer, just two days after the release of his final album.

A tribute concert has been planned for the singer

Celebs including Rufus Hound and Professor Brian Cox are backing the petition calling for a statue of Bowie to be erected on the fourth plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square.

Other petitions include putting David on a banknote as a successor to Adam Smith - who the Bank of England have announced is being replaced- naming a street after him, putting his face on stamps, or naming a star after him.

Meanwhile, Madonna has become the latest star to pay tribute to David, playing a cover of his hit ‘Rebel Rebel’ during one of her recent shows.

“He was one of the geniuses in the music industry. One of the greatest singer-songwriters of the 20th century,” she told the crowd.

“He changed my life when I went to see him in concert in Detroit. He showed me that it was alright to be different. And he's the first rebel heart that I laid eyes on.”


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