The deadline for primary school applications is looming and parents sending their child to school for the first time are likely to have a few questions.
In the UK, the deadline for applications is Friday 15 January 2016.
You can apply for a place at a state primary school online or by contacting your council for a paper application form.
Your local authority will manage the admissions process for all schools in your area.

How To Apply
To find the schools nearest to you, visit the Apply For A Primary School link on the government's website.
Once you enter your postcode, the tool will take you to the admissions section of your local council's website, where you will be able to find the school in your catchment area.
Mums and dads can then fill in the form online (or request it in paper form from the council).
Parents are advised to apply for three schools in order of preference, one being the school in their catchment area,.
An email will be sent to confirm that the application has been received.
Use the Find A School tool to find schools in your area. Your local council will be able to provide additional information on these schools.
Admissions Criteria
All schools have admission criteria to decide which children get places. These will differ depending on the school.
Some schools may give children priority depending on whether they have a brother or sister at the school, their religion or how close their house is to the school.
Local councils are able to give out information about schools' criteria.

Missing A Deadline
If you miss the deadline for applying, you must contact the admissions team at your local council as soon as possible to request a late application.
Late applications are processed after the first allocation of places to on-time applicants. This means parents will not receive a letter regarding the outcome of their application until May or June 2016.
If this happens, it's unlikely your child will get a place at your most preferred school if it is a popular choice or an over-subscribed one.
When You'll Find Out
Parents who submit their applications on time will find out on 16 April 2016 which school their child has been accepted into.
You’ll be sent a letter with the decision about your child’s school. If you don't get your preferred school, you can appeal the decision - the letter will tell you how to do this.
For further information on appealing a decision, visit the government's website.