'Making A Murderer' Prosecutor Ken Kratz Says He Was 'A 'Dick' During Steve Avery's Trial

'Making A Murderer' Prosecutor Makes The Admission We've All Been Waiting For

The prosecutor made infamous by the Netflix series 'Making A Murderer' has admitted he's been inundated with hate mail and made a bold statement about his behaviour whilst appearing on the show.

WARNING: This article may contain spoilers for the show 'Making A Murderer'

Ken Kratz, who successfully prosecuted Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey during a trial filled with arguably questionable evidence, told a US news channel that he "was a dick" during the series.

Speaking about the original trial in a candid interview with comedian Jena Friedman, Kratz said: "I was a dick, some of that was bravado, some of that was necessary for the presentation of the case, but some of that was me and I think it's important that people understand that I'm not that person anymore."

Ken Kratz has admitted that he "was a dick" during the 'Making A Murderer' series

During the interview, Friedman also read some of the hate mail Kratz had received since the documentary aired.

She read: "'Do you understand how much of a piece of shit you are', youre' but who would end a sentence with an apostrophe?"

"'You fat fuck, with low self esteem.'"

"How does he know your self esteem?"

Kratz responded: "I don't know but you're a grammar nazi which is pretty cool, I like that"

Friedman said: "The Nazi part or the grammar part?"

"The grammar part," Kratz clarified.

Friedman also asked Kratz if he'd gained any admirers since the show aired, to which he said no.

"Even Ted Bundy had admirer," she replied.

Kratz said: "I'm not Ted Bundy. I'm not nearly as charming as he is."

Earlier this month the former district attorney accused the filmmakers of leaving out key evidence in order to carry out their "agenda" to make Avery look like an innocent man who was framed.

Avery, one of the series' subjects, was sent to prison in 1985 for sexual assault and attempted murder. DNA evidence later proved he was innocent of the crimes, and in 2003 his conviction was overturned.

Two years after his release and his filing of a $36 million lawsuit against Manitowoc County for wrongful conviction, he was again accused and later convicted for the murder of Teresa Halbach.

The show follows the journey of Avery and his nephew, Brendan, as they are both prosecuted with the murder of Halbach.


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