Dover Protest Turns Violent As Far Right Clashes With Anti-Fascist Demonstrators

Demonstrators Left Bloodied As Far Right Dover Protest Turns Violent

A confrontation over immigration between the far right and anti-fascists in Dover has turned violent.

Hundreds of police struggled to keep the two groups apart during Saturday's protest and they clashed in the port town.

Three people were arrested and weapons including a knife, knuckle duster and hammers were seized.

Two men left bloodied after the clashes

Groups including the EDL and the National Front organised the march to protest against immigration, with some carrying flags saying "refugees not welcome".

Unite Against Fascism (UAF) and the Kent Anti-Racism Network (KARN) organised a counter-demonstration.

Police in riot gear and dog handlers stemmed the violence, but at one point officers were pushed back by left-wing activists in black hooded tops and with covered faces who broke through their lines.

Kent Police described the protest as a "fast-moving and ongoing incident". One person suffered a broken arm during the protests and five others were injured, though not seriously. Another man reportedly had a brick thrown at his face.

A female reporter for LBC who was covering the protest said that one far-right demonstrator threatened her, telling her she should be raped and that she should not be able to have children.

The far right march began at around 1pm at Dover's market square but quickly turned into a confrontation with bricks being thrown between the two sides.

The march ended with speeches being given, where people decried the arrival of "third world scum" in Britain. One speaker even told black Labour MP Diane Abbott, who had addressed the anti-fascist demonstrators, to "pack her backs and go back where she came from".

Before the demonstration the South East Alliance, which describes itself as an "angry, white and proud" street movement, advertised the protest on its Facebook page, saying: "Remember we are there for a purpose. To highlight certain issues we face. We are not there to have a kick-off with the red scum but we do know they will attack us and we shall defend ourselves without hesitation."

And following the march the National Front posted on its own Facebook site, saying: "A big well done and thank you to all white nationalists who attended Dover today to save our country from invasion. Respect to all in attendance."

The anti-fascist demonstrators played down the size of the other camp, insisting the far right members were outnumbered by the police.

There were estimated to be around 150 anti-immigration protestors. Campaign group Hope Not Hate said there were so few, the police directed them off the road and on to the pavement.

Police activated "stop and search" powers in Dover on Saturday and seized a variety of weapons in the town and at the motorway services.

A spokesman said: "More than 20 weapons were seized in total at Dover and the M20 services, including a lock-knife, knuckle duster, poles adapted to cause harm, pieces of wood, glass, hammers and bricks.

"Kent Police would like to thank the local community for its cooperation and patience throughout the demonstrations."

The coaches had their smashed windows and Nazi symbols graffitied on them, as protestors travelled to oppose a far right march in Dover.

Britain First, the far right anti-Muslim political party, staged a separate march in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire on Saturday, which passed without incident. Despite the party's significant online following, the march attracted few supporters.


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