We thought the world had reached peak contouring with neck slimming and cleavage sculpting, but it seems the trend for making up odd body parts isn't over yet.
Thanks to Kylie Jenner, we now have a new beauty buzz term - ear contouring. Yes, the art of applying makeup to your ears.

In a new tutorial on Jenner's website, makeup artist Hrush Achemyan explains why she adds a dark contour shade to Jenner's ears.
"It's a really good tip that a lot of people don't do," she says.
According to Achemyan, it's "really not cute" when your face is one colour, and your ears are another.
"It shows, like, the tone is not really your skin tone and you have on a lot of foundation," she adds.
"Just like your neck, your ears are a part of your face."
We're super glad she cleared that up.
Neck Contouring Is Now A Thing, People Not Impressed