'Scooby Doo' Van In 100mph Police Chase In California, With Driver Still On The Run

'Scooby Doo' Van In 100mph Police Chase With Driver Still On The Run

A van made to look like the famous Mystery Machine from the Scooby Doo cartoon series has been involved in a 100mph police chase.

Sharon Kay Turman is still on the run after evading Redding police on Sunday's in northern California despite driving an incredibly distinctive vehicle. The 51-year-old was being sought for a probation violation.

KRCR news said Turman's 1994 Chrysler Town and Country minivan had been painted to resemble the van of cartoon fame.

Sharon Kay Turnman's van was painted like the Mystery Machine from cartoon Scooby Doo

According to police, officers tried to conduct a traffic stop when she drove off at speed.

race southbound on Highway 273. She then reportedly drove through a red light and hit four other vehicles.

The real Scooby Doo van the 'Mystery Machine'

The California Highway Patrol helicopter later located the van just north of Anderson.

Officers said Turman then continued the chase through the city of Anderson and onto Interstate 5 at speeds over 100 mph.

She was later said to have abandoned the vehicle and her current whereabouts is unknown.


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