ANC Veteran's League Wants Conference To Fix 'Political Problems'

"The credibility of our internal dispute resolution mechanisms have fallen into disuse as members increasingly prefer to use the courts as mechanisms of first instance."
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The ANC Veteran's League wants a consultative conference to "reflect on the political problems which gave rise to such unprecedented levels of factionalism and find solutions".

In a statement, league president Snuki Zikalala said the ANC's elective conference at Nasrec, Johannesburg, "grabbed the nation's attention and anxiety".

"It took place against the backdrop of judicial and political havoc. This gave rise to the rational fear that the conference might not be held to a successful conclusion," Zikalala said.

"That it ended the way it did, hiccups along the way notwithstanding, is testimony to the determination of our members to restore the ANC into a position which earned it the respect of many, at home and abroad."

He said the newly-elected national executive committee (NEC), led by Cyril Ramaphosa who was elected party president, can count on the support of the ANC Veteran's League "as it goes about building on the firm foundations of renewal established by conference".

However, for Zikalala there was a conference "aftertaste".

"We remain mired in troubling times as shown by the ongoing work of the Moerane Commission which is investigating serious incidents of violent conflict in KwaZulu-Natal.

"We are found wanting when expected to deliver basic health care service to the poor. The Esidimeni hearing, by the retired Judge [Dikgang] Moseneke, has revealed shocking details of how incompetent, unskilled and non-caring bureaucrats attended to the urgent and basic needs of vulnerable patients. Those responsible should be held to account.

"We continue to see the smouldering disputes over the authenticity of our membership records which are allegedly prone to factionalist manipulation.

"The credibility of our internal dispute resolution mechanisms have fallen into disuse as members increasingly prefer to use the courts as mechanisms of first instance."

He asked the NEC to consider convening a special consultative conference to "reflect on the political problems which gave rise to such unprecedented levels of factionalism and find solutions thereto".

"We propose that the special consultative conference take place not later than before the end of February 2018. As the Veteran's League we are ready to advance items of discussion in that conference," Zikalala said.

"We should make an effort to convince society that we can self-correct and are determined to deliver on our set objectives."


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