Malema On Not Killing Whites 'For Now': This Is Exactly What He Said

"I've never slapped a white person, I've never called for their slaughter. I've never called for their killing, at least for now. I can't guarantee the future."
South African opposition party Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema (C) talks to the press after staging a walk out during the election by the Members of Parliament of the new South African President on February 15, 2018 in Cape Town.
South African opposition party Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema (C) talks to the press after staging a walk out during the election by the Members of Parliament of the new South African President on February 15, 2018 in Cape Town.
AFP/Getty Images

EFF leader Julius Malema, in the controversial interview where he said he has not called for the killing of white people "at least for now", also describes farm murders as a crime, rather than a white genocide.

Malema made the comments during an interview published on TRT World on Monday.

"The white people hate the idea that we think we can be equal to them. That irritates them that a monkey can never be equal to a white man. They don't want that. I'm hated for that," he said.

"There's no crime I've committed. I've never slapped a white person, I've never called for their slaughter. I've never called for their killing, at least for now. I can't guarantee the future."

Asked if his comment could not be interpreted as a genocidal call, Malema said: "Crybabies, crybabies".

"I'm saying to you, not under my leadership will we call for the slaughter of white people. I don't know whose coming after me. I will not speak for them. They are alarmists, they are crybabies, they are attention seekers, no one is going to slaughter them. The farm attacks [are] just an act of crime; it's not a genocide on white people. We are concerned," he continued.

"Even in the farms there where black workers are killed, should we now be alarmist and say there is genocide of black farm workers? No, it's a crime."

Asked to explain what land expropriation without compensation means to him, Malema said: "The state owns the land and then it gives it to you on a long lease. In that way, everyone else will have access to the land."

HuffPost made several attempts on Tuesday to get response from the EFF, by telephone and text message, but had no success.


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