10 Best Video Games At Christmas 2014

These Are The Christmas Blockbusters You Need

Christmas is nearly upon us and while last year saw the launch of two new consoles, the PS4 and the Xbox One, this is the year that games are taking centre stage.

We've already had some incredible games so far including Forza Horizon 2 and it looks like the run shows no sign of stopping with the future-focused Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare out now.

As we get closer to Christmas Ubisoft will launch two of their biggest games this year, Assassin's Creed: Unity and Far Cry 4.

Unity, set in Revolutionary France looks set to be the largest Assassin's Creed game ever made with full-scale replicas of the Notre Dame and huge swathes of the city recreated brick for brick.

Far Cry 4 meanwhile sends you straight back into the wilderness as you take on the hellish Himalayas in a battle for survival against both nature and the inhabitants.

Finally there's the return of a legend in the form of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U.

These are the biggest games of Christmas 2014.