1,000 Reps Everyday for 30 Days Fitness Challenge

1,000 Reps Everyday for 30 Days Fitness Challenge

As a Hypnotherapist and Coach, I meet a lot of interesting people from all walks of life at my practice. The life stories that my clients share are truly inspiring and I learn each day that there is no limit to what we can achieve when we are passionate about what we do and put our minds to it. I was particularly moved by one client, Marc Dressen and his physically enduring 1000 reps per day challenge.

Marc completed this 1000 reps per day for 30 days challenge for several reasons, but the main reason was to show how exhausting and difficult it is. During the 30 days, Marc took off a few days because it was physically too much and at one point he even got sick! When I asked Marc why he embarked on this challenge he said

As a Sports Scientist and Personal Trainer, people expect me to have a certain body shape, they expect a 6 pack and bulging muscles, they expect me to do things in a certain way. This challenge was really about breaking that idealistic notion, it is not about a 6 pack, it's not about bulging muscle - it is about endurance, pushing yourself to the limit and above all else keeping it real.

During the course of Marc's challenge he faced many obstacles including sickness, hunger and tiredness, but he kept on going.

Marc's top 3 tips on how to complete any challenge

1. Prepare in advance for the ups and downs. When you start a challenge of any kind you will most likely be very excited and motivated at the beginning, however your determination will probably weaken as you go along. Prepare for this in advance by gathering the support of your friends and family, reminding yourself why you are doing this challenge and even plotting 'time out' zones throughout your challenge.

2. Be realistic about your other commitments. Remember you have a life outside of your challenge so you must manage your time and resources effectively. Your friends, family and boss may support you through this but they'll probably still expect you to turn up to work, family occasions and be there for them too.

3. Journal it. Writing about your experiences throughout the challenge as it happens will help you let off steam and catalogue those all important details which will make for a great story later. Journaling your progress will also help you stay on track.

4. Remember to enjoy it. Challenges of any kind are supposed to be difficult and with difficulty comes self-doubt, fear and even low moods. Try your best to enjoy the challenge by involving others where possible, including 'cheat' days and watching other people who are going through similar challenges.

5. Don't forget to celebrate! Once you have completed your challenge you should celebrate your success with those closest to you. Plan this celebration in advance and make it a real treat. Planning your celebration before you even start your challenge will keep you going on those days when you feel like giving up.