12 Multi-Tasking Beauty Buys To Save You Time (And Money)

12 Multi-Tasking Beauty Buys To Save You Time (And Money)

How much time do you put aside for your beauty routine in the mornings? A solid hour? Or maybe you're a straight-out-the-door type of girl.

Either way, a makeup, hair or skincare product to accelerate the getting ready process has got to be a blessing, no matter how devoted you are to making yourself look beautiful at stupid o'clock.

After all, clever beauty essentials can mean a few more seconds in bed - and they'll also give your bank balance a break, particularly if you're guilty of spending a fortune on expensive potions that all promise to do the same thing.

One of the easiest ways to save time and money is shopping for multi-taskers that do their job brilliantly.

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Why carry around five different lipsticks and glosses when a lip and cheek tint will tick two boxes at once? And if you're prone to weighing yourself down with a variety of serums, shampoos and lotions in your gym kit or handbag, you can quickly lighten the load with these three-in one products.

From styling tools to sun protection, here are our top 12 multi-taskers that are so good, they'll do all the hard work for you...