Part of the beauty of Christmas is tradition - you eat the same food every year, see the same people and sing the same songs.
Here are 12 things that will definitely happen when you go home for Christmas this year:
1. Your mum will get emotional over photos of you from your reception class nativity play.
2. Your uncle will get drunk on sherry and say something vaguely racist.
3. You will meet up with your school friends who will all humble brag about how great their new friends/course/flat at university are.
4. You will eat until you think you will never be hungry again. And then you will eat some more.
5. You will argue with someone in your family about Brexit.
6. You will go for a night out in your local club and realise it’s not nearly as amazing as you thought it was when you first turned 18.
7. You will appreciate the central heating in a way you never did before you moved into a freezing student house.
8. You will see your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend in your local and desperately try to avoid them.
9. A ‘harmless’ family board game will end in disaster...
10. You will start to miss your uni friends.
11. You will be forced to wear a cringe-worthy Christmas jumper.